Worship & Media
We want to serve God with the creativity evidenced of our creator. The worship and media team work to invite our community to meet the Holy Spirit in new and innovative ways which call on the liturgy Christ-followers have turned to for centuries.
This ministry team is comprised of people interested in behind-the-scenes work on Sunday mornings, and people who have a knack for pushing buttons and helping others to connect to the weekly messages. If you're excited about any of these things, we'd love to have you on the team, so send an email to info@centralavenue.net
Servants are always welcome for our worship and media teams.
You can serve up front or behind the scenes!
Join us for worship
At this time services are in-person and online.
In-person services are being held at
9:30am @ Uptown (29 E Carpenter St.)
11:00am @ Westside (73 Central Ave.)
Online services at 9:30am and 11am at https://centralavenue.online.church/