Here at Central, we value commitment to responsible giving in accordance with scriptural teachings on tithing and generosity. In support of this, we have a few different ways for people to give to the work God is doing in and through this community.
We utilize a secure online-giving provider, Vanco Payment Solutions, to receive online payments. Through the online giving site, you are able to create a profile through which one may choose to make a variety of payments. The site allows you to designate the fund you'd like to give to. We realize Central in general operates on OU's academic schedule. This means many people are not in town between semesters, and may forget to upkeep payments as they'd wish to give. Conveniently, as well as one-time payments, Vanco's site allows you to set up and schedule recurring payments to allow your giving to be as effortless as possible.
We recognize many people don't carry cash or checks with them anymore, and those who may want to partake in the time of offering may not have a way to do so. For that reason, we have made the Give-By-Text option available through our online-giving provider, Vanco Payment Solutions. Rather than an amount being added to your bill from your cell service provider, this option is linked to a credit/debit account of your choosing. To choose this option for giving to Central, simply text a dollar amount to 740-692-7159 to be prompted through the initial set-up process.
Of course, we continue to have the option of collecting your tithes & gifts in the form of cash or check. We regularly collect an offering on Sunday mornings, so you can simply drop a check in the offering stations by each entrance. If you would like to direct your giving, please include the fund of your choice on the check memo line. If you'd like to direct your giving with cash, please provide your own envelope with that information noted on the outside.