Welcome Visitors
We are excited you have decided to check out Central Avenue United Methodist Church. Whether your friends or family attend here, you’re new to town, want to know more about God, or looking for a church home, we are confident you will enjoy your time at Central. Below, we included some answers to frequently asked questions to make your first visit with us more enjoyable.
At this time services are in-person and online.
In-person services are being held at
9:30am @ Uptown (29 E Carpenter St.)
11:00am @ Westside (73 Central Ave.)
Online services at 9:30am and 11am at https://centralavenue.online.church/
When are your service times?
We have two Sunday in-person services. Our current Uptown location service is 9:30am. Our 11:00am service takes place at our location on the Westside of town. Each service has the same worship and message, so we invite you to join us at whichever site and whatever time works best for you.
We also hold online services with the same messages as our in-person services. You can join us online at 9:30am and 11am as well here.
If you have any questions please email info@centralavenue.net
What kind of music does worship include?
We worship with contemporary Christian music, updated hymns, as well as original songs. If you'd like to get a better idea, you can find some of our music on bandcamp.
Where do we park?
Do you offer child care?
We sure do! We offer both a nursery and children’s church in all of our services, at both locations. If you'd like to know more about what this looks like, you can find that information HERE.
What should I wear?
Whatever feels right to you! We tend to keep it pretty casual at Central--the pastors often wear jeans and a t-shirt. But if you'd prefer to dress up, feel free!
Do you have opportunities for us to serve?
We certainly do! We are passionate about reaching the world with the love of God, and we would love to find a way to get you plugged in. We believe God has given you a special combination of gifts and talents that will simultaneously help God accomplish His will on earth and bring true joy to you in the process. We would love to help you discern God’s call on your life and get you connected with opportunities to serve. To learn more about some of our ministry areas, you can look through the How We Grow tab at the top. Whenever you're ready to talk about serving with someone, Lauren would love to grab coffee with you, so send her an email, and she'll help you get connected.
Do you have other questions that we didn't answer?
Shoot us an email, and we'll do our best!