We want to meet people where they are when they walk into church on a Sunday morning, whether they are weekly attenders or this is their first time crossing a church threshold in years.
This ministry team is comprised of people who value first impressions and who want to make people feel welcome in this community. From greeting people on their way in the door, to connecting with first-time guests, to assisting with parking on busy mornings -- there's room for growth on this team at Central.
There are two main ways to serve in Connections:
The role of the Connection Coordinator is to help us foster a sense of community and connection – to facilitate an environment of people knowing and being known at their worship gathering. Ultimately the Connection Coordinator exists to help people take a next step into the community of Central and their relationship with God. They serve most often at one of our Welcome Centers.
Greeters come early to worship to welcome people, especially new guests, making sure they have what they need to worship comfortably on Sunday morning. They also pass out guest gifts.